This post is sponsored by ConAgra, Danone, Amy’s Kitchen, and Good Food Made Simple. All opinions are my own.
I don’t know about your house, but my kitchen has been transformed into a 24/7 diner. Kids are remote learning; grown-ups are remote working. With so many people in my home wandering through our kitchen ALL DAY LONG, I’m constantly on the lookout for quick ways to keep my family satisfied.
Last week, I hit the grocery jackpot. I made a serious Frozen Food Haul. I’m talking organic, non-GMO foods that taste delicious. My cart was overflowing, but my grocery budget was intact. And you’ll never guess where I was? Walmart! They are marketing to my high-end tastes and my “I’ve got three kids” bank account.
Sneak a peek in my freezer this week and you’ll find some of my new favorites. For breakfast, we are loving Good Food Made Simple French Toast – it’s made with whole grains, and it’s chock full of protein to get my kids’ brains charged up for their day of learning. I personally love how the cinnamon flavor pairs with my cup of morning coffee.
For lunch, my kids are rotating through Amy’s Kitchen Veggie Crust Pizza and Amy’s Kitchen Mac and 3 Cheese with Cauliflower. If you’ve been a follower of Momma Chef, you know I can’t go for the orange powder macaroni madness – and neither can Amy’s Kitchen. I bought several boxes of the gluten-free three-cheese cauliflower bowl. It’s complete comfort food without the guilt. The boys love it! Another favorite is the cheese pizza, made with a sweet potato, broccoli, and cauliflower crust – but honestly, there’s no need to tell your picky eaters that. My kids love eating pizza, and I love that Amy’s Kitchen is helping me sneak some extra veggies into their diets.
For something a little heartier, there are two entrees stacking the shelves of my freezer. I’ve already raved an entire blog about the fabulous find of Marie Callender’s Chick-N Pot Pie made with Gardein Plant-Based Chick’n. Click here for more of that yummy vegetarian concoction enveloped in a golden, flaky crust. It’s a convenient and meat-free spin on a comfort-food icon. And remember that delightful find of the protein-packed cinnamon French toast? The same brand also carries some fabulous entrees. My current obsession is Good Food Made Simple Cauliflower Kung Pao. It’s like take-out without the MSG and extra nonsense. A medley of veggies and peanuts are served atop gluten-free noodles with a spicey and garlicky tamari sauce. (When my husband is eating a vegetarian meal by choice, I know it’s a keeper!)
I’ve saved my favorite for last: So Delicious® Dairy-Free Frozen Dessert Bars. Yes, they’re vegan; yes, they’re made by a company committed to the global good. And, YES – they’re ridiculously delicious. You have to try the salted caramel! And you have to hide an extra box for yourself in the back of the freezer. Trust me: they disappear quickly.

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